John Nash
Interiors & Antiques
Privacy Policy.
How we use store your data
Our Privacy Policy

We do not share your data with any individual or company. It is only used internally to provide you the best service possible.

This privacy policy will explain how John Nash uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website and shop.

This Privacy Policy will cover the following:
What data we collect and how we use it

We collect the following data for all visitors to our website

We collect the following data for our customers on

How we collect your data

Information that we collect from all visitors (defined above) is collected automatically once you visit our website.

Information that we collect from our customers is collected on filling out an order form or creating an account on our shop.

How we store your data

All of the data on our customers is stored on an encrypted and secured database on a server based in a UK hosting center. Encrypted backups of your data may be stored offsite.

JohnNash will keep your data indefinatly, unless requested by you to remove it. The only exception to this is if we have to keep your information for any legal purposes.


We may use your information that you have submitted to us via the contact form or via your user account to let you know about services and products that you may be interested in.

Your data will not be provided to any third party or individual. It will only be used internally at John Nash.

Your data protection rights

We would like to make you fully aware of your data protection rights. Every client and visitor is entitled to the following:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, the data we collect or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at

John Nash
Interiors & Antiques
Ledbury Showroom
18 High Street
© 2022 - 2024
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