John Nash
Interiors & Antiques
Elanbach over the last decade has evolved its style and handwriting creating some beautiful collections. With a passion to bring colour and beautiful designs to life, while maintaining values of simplicity and originality the archive has grown extensively over the years with renowned designers adding to the eclectic mix. This rich history is now presented in our Archive, and is available to be printed on a mixture of base cloths and wallpapers. Today Elanbach continues to design fabulous print collections committed to stay true to the founding principles.The talented in house design team print to order, create original bespoke designs, and offer a colour matching service for special projects, as well as collaborating with Interior Decorators and Textile Designers to create unique printed collections. Please get in touch if we can help you with your special project.
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John Nash
Interiors & Antiques
Ledbury Showroom
18 High Street
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